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New Location
7103 Bakers Bridge Ave, Suite 102
Brentwood, TN 37027

Located left side of the building. Second door on the right.

Quality Care With Lasting Results

Welcome to Current Electrolysis & Aesthetics, your premier destination for exceptional electrolysis treatment in the heart of Brentwood, TN. Our commitment to excellence sets us apart as we harness highly effective methods, delivering results that transcend the temporary and offer a lifetime of smooth, hair-free skin.

At the core of our approach is a meticulous process that involves removing hair with the entire shaft intact, ensuring a permanent solution that goes beyond what other techniques like laser, waxing, or plucking can achieve. While these methods may offer temporary relief, our electrolysis treatment distinguishes itself by targeting the source of the problem the hair follicle roots.

Imagine bidding farewell to unwanted hair forever. Our team of skilled electrologists is dedicated to providing you with an experience that transforms not just your skin but your confidence and comfort. By addressing the roots of the issue, we ensure a long-lasting solution that stands the test of time.

New Office

Our highly trained professionals are at the forefront of electrolysis advancements, employing state-of-the-art techniques and technology to tailor each session to your unique needs. We understand that every individual is different, and our personalized care reflects this understanding, delivering optimal results for you and your skin.

Step into a world where quality care meets lasting results. Current Electrolysis & Aesthetics is more than a destination; it’s a journey towards the freedom of smooth, hair-free skin. Discover the difference our expertise can make as we guide you through a transformative experience, ensuring you emerge not just hair-free but with newfound confidence and radiance.

Trust us to be your partners in achieving the lasting results you deserve. Welcome to a future where unwanted hair is a thing of the past. Welcome to Current Electrolysis & Aesthetics where excellence meets permanence.

woman with perfect skin

Permanent Removal for All Hair and Skin Types

Electrolysis is highly effective for any hair type or skin color. The procedure has no long-lasting side effects. Unlike laser treatment, it doesn’t rely on pigmentation to target the roots and won’t cause discoloration. While the procedure can cause some pain for sensitive skin, numbing cream is available to ease your discomfort and help the process run smoothly. Treatment works best when the hair is in the growing phase and requires multiple appointments with our experienced electrologist to ensure lasting and permanent results. Once the process is finished, you’ll have smooth skin forever.

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7103 Bakers Bridge Ave suite 102, Brentwood, TN 37027, USA